We have established the Sustainability Committee (Better Life Team)
March 14, 2023
“We have established the Sustainability Committee (Better Life Team)”
“In 2021, we established the Sustainability Committee (Better Life Team) within Penti to determine our most important sustainability issues from a strategic standpoint.”
The most essential metric of corporate sustainability is selecting the appropriate sustainability issues to focus on and establishing strategies for these focus areas. These identified priority issues serve as the foundation for our vision and action plans regarding sustainability.
To identify areas where shared value can be created, companies must consider both stakeholder perspectives and their strategic business approach. As Penti, we are concerned that our actions with respect to local and global trends and business strategies contribute to stakeholder analysis while determining our top concerns. We are attempting to incorporate the expectations, perceptions, and sustainability priorities of our internal and external stakeholders, which we quantify, into our future operations in a way that creates value for the company and for all of our stakeholders.
“In 2021, we established the Sustainability Committee (Better Life Team) within Penti to determine our most important sustainability issues from a strategic standpoint.”
With this committee, we held the “Sustainability Workshop” in2021. Following the explanation of sectoral dynamics and globaldevelopments in sustainability, we conducted a general reviewstudy in the context of this workshop. We clarified the contentof the survey we will conduct with all of our internal and externalstrategic stakeholders following this study, which we conducted inthe workshop using an online survey.
In the continuation of this study, we conducted a prioritization analysis of sustainability issues, taking into account both Penti’s employees and its stakeholders. We reviewed economic, social and environmental issues, which are key indicators of sustainability, and identified 28 potential sustainability issues. Within the framework of the identified sustainability issues, we conducted an online impact assessment survey with both internal and external stakeholders to determine which issues have the greatest impact on sustainability performance and, as a result, should be given the highest priority. We prepared a prioritization list for Penti internal/
external stakeholders for 28 focus topics, both now and in the future, during the study. The survey on the assessment of sustainability issues included 399 Penti employees and 214 external stakeholders. Our employees were divided into groups to represent all functions and departments within the scope of the survey. External stakeholder feedback, on the other hand, was received from all stakeholder groups with which Penti has close relationships, especially customers, suppliers, regulatory bodies, and the media.
The analysis included stakeholder feedback as well as global sustainability trends such as the European Green Deal, WEF Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, and Sustainable Development Goals. Penti Sustainability Priorities Matrix was determined with the opinions of the senior management.
As Penti Çorap Factory, we place sustainability at the center of our business model focused on creating value. In this context, we established 5 sustainability committees in 2021. The EMS
Committee establishes the company’s environmental strategies. It takes part in social responsibility projects. Energy & Air Emissions Committee’s action plans include saving in the amount of energy used, reducing losses, trend towards renewable energy sources (solar energy), reuse of waste energy, energy distribution analysis of equipment and energy audit studies. The Chemical Committee aims to minimize our impact on the environment by preparing a chemical improvement plan and to monitor the chemical supply chain on digital platforms. The Water & Waste Water Committee works to save water consumption, reduce losses during water use, recycle, reuse, and increase different natural resources (rainwater harvesting, etc.). The Waste Committee produces projects for reducing the amount of waste generated during production, recycling, increasing the use of recycled raw materials, and zero
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Thanks to our 70 years of experience; as of right now we are Europe’s Largest Fully Integrated Hosiery Manufacturer with a very strong focus on both digitalization and sustainability.
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